

Spondylolisthesis services offered in Century City, Los Angeles and Marina Del Rey, Marina Del Rey, CA


If you maintain an active lifestyle, you may be at increased risk for a spinal condition known as spondylolisthesis. Fellowship-trained orthopedic spine surgeon Neil Bhamb, MD, offers comprehensive and holistic spine care for spondylolisthesis. Dr. Bhamb uses the latest minimally invasive techniques for spinal fusion surgery in the treatment of spondylolisthesis. If you need relief from spondylolisthesis pain, schedule a consultation at the office in Century City or Marina Del Rey, California, or request an appointment online.

Spondylolisthesis Q & A

What is spondylolisthesis?

Spondylolisthesis is a painful condition that affects the spine, specifically the vertebrae. It occurs when a vertebra slips out of place onto the vertebra below it. When the bone moves out of place, it can press on the surrounding spinal nerves, which can cause pain and other symptoms that affect your quality of life. This can happen in any part of the spine, but is most common in the lower back.

Your risk for developing spondylolisthesis increases with age, especially if you have a physically active lifestyle or participate in high-impact sports. You may also be prone to spondylolisthesis due to your genetic history.

What are the symptoms of spondylolisthesis?

The symptoms of spondylolisthesis can vary from person to person, and you can develop without any noticeable symptoms. 

Common symptoms of spondylolisthesis include lower back pain, stiffness, and muscle spasms. Some people may also experience numbness, tingling, or weakness in the legs.

As spondylolisthesis progresses, you may experience a worsening in back pain and loss of range of motion in your spine.

With early detection, spondylolisthesis-related symptoms are treatable, and it's possible to prevent a worsening of your condition.

How is spondylolisthesis diagnosed?

Spondylolisthesis can be diagnosed through a combination of physical examination, medical history, and imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRI scans. 

You may need an X-ray or an MRI to evaluate how much your vertebra has slipped so that Dr. Bhamb can recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

How is spondylolisthesis treated?

Treatment for spondylolisthesis depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, conservative treatments such as rest, physical therapy, and wearing a brace may be recommended. Anti-inflammatory medications may also help to reduce nerve irritation and pain.

Dr. Bhamb may recommend surgery for more severe cases to stabilize the spine and prevent further slippage.

A common procedure for treating severe spondylolisthesis is spinal fusion surgery. During spine fusion, Dr. Bhamb fuses two or more spinal vertebrae into one solid piece. This restricts movement in the vertebrae to prevent nerve compression and stabilizes your spine against further slippage.

If you're experiencing symptoms of spondylolisthesis, schedule a diagnostic evaluation with Dr. Bhamb by calling the office nearest you or requesting an appointment online now.